Determinants of Health: Who and what determines our well-being?
Quilt by Bisa Butler
Social determinants of health are defined as "the non-medical factors that influence health outcomes" whereas political determinants of health "create the social drivers that either advance health equity or exacerbate health inequities." In the complex tapestry of human well-being, these determinants of health hold sway over our vitality and quality of life. They are the intricate threads that weave together the fabric of our physical, mental, economic, and social well-being. From the moment we take our first breath to the twilight of our earthly journey, these determinants, like guiding stars, play a pivotal role in shaping our health outcomes. They lie beyond the realm of mere health care and extend into the vast expanse of our daily lives, resonating with every choice we make, every environment we inhabit, every opportunity we seize, and every policy that is and has been ever enacted or amended.
Significance of Determinants of Health
The determinants of health span a wide spectrum, encompassing a myriad of social and political factors that influence our holistic well-being. At the forefront, we find our socio-economic conditions, such as income, education, and employment. These factors lay the foundation for access to basic needs, opportunities for growth, and resources to support a healthy lifestyle.
Physical Environments and Health
Physical environments, too, emerge as crucial determinants. Hailing from the quality of air we breathe, the safety of our neighborhoods, to the accessibility of green spaces—these variables shape our vulnerability to illness and offer avenues for nurturing resilient communities.
Power of Social Relationships
When pondering the factors that influence our health, let us not overlook the fabric of our social relationships. The strength of our connections, the nurture of our familial ties, and the embrace of supportive, yet safe communities foster robust mental and emotional well-being. These bonds create a vibrant network of social support, enriching our lives and buffering stressors that threaten our equilibrium.
Collective Path Toward Well-being
Beyond the tangible and visible, our individual behaviors and choices must share the spotlight. The determinants of health illuminate the impact of personal decisions, whether in nurturing physical activity, consuming a balanced diet, or avoiding substances that can be harmful. In the choices we make, we shape the trajectory of our health, carving a path toward longevity or inviting unnecessary risks.
Empowering Individuals, Communities, and Governments
To understand the determinants of health is to recognize that no single thread holds complete dominion. Rather, they intertwine and coalesce, affecting one another, creating a complex web of influence on our well-being. Acknowledging this interconnectedness equips us to adopt a holistic approach to health, embracing not mere medical interventions, but comprehensive strategies that champion equity, empowerment, and social justice. By dismantling barriers, amplifying resources, and fostering inclusive environments, we can unravel the multifaceted aspects that adversely shape and at times hinder our well-being.
Braveman, P. (2023). The Social Determinants of Health and Health Disparities. Oxford University Press.
Dawes, D.E. (2020). The Political Determinants of Health, Johns Hopkins University Press.