The same voice that says “Give Up” can also be trained to say “KEEP GOING.” - Unknown Allow me to reintroduce myself as Dr. Minerva! Dr. Ruth Westheimer (1928-2024), Faculty at Teachers College - Columbia University (2019) Soledad O'Brien (Journalist & Documentarian) Kim Stanwood Terranova (Keynote Speaker & Author) Michelle Alexander (Attorney & Author; The New Jim Crow) Iyanla Vanzant (Author & Inspirational Speaker) Shante Needham, Big sister of late Sandra Bland #IfIDieInPoliceCustody #SayHerName Ruby Bridges (Civil Rights Activist & Author) #RBWalkforJustice Dr. Ibram X. Kendi (Prof. Author; Anti-racism) Harriet Washington (Author: Medical Apartheid) Kimberlé Crenshaw, African American Policy Forum (AAPF Executive Director) #TruthBeTold